
Voting Runner plank

Hi fellow members of IM-XVIYRA,

When reminded by TG Kinberg the other day about what is written in our constitution about the just finished online voting on runner plank, the voting is not valid.

The constitution says that:-

  1. Any online voting has to be done before July 1st in order to be valid the next coming season.
  2. Only boat owners are allowed to vote. If many part owners still one vote per boat.
  3. At least twenty five percent of the allowed boat owners registered votes.
  4. 2/3 majority yes/no needed to be valid voting.

None of the above 1-4 have been fulfilled!

Also, I learnt that the Technical Committée (TC) with only TG and Andrus participating in an email thread where it is agreed that the runner plank interpretation needs to have precise mentioned measurement points in order to be correct/valid.

The decision by the General Committee (GC) to make a face-to-face voting at our next coming AGM 2025 in Estonia. The GC shall ask our TC to add a suitable text to the runner plank interpretation regarding measurement points for GC to approve beforehand and present to our class in due time before AGM 2025.

Reverting as soon as possible with a renewed interpretation of runner plank.




EC 2025...

…..will be arranged by Estonia in the week #6 2025.

This is a change from earlier communicated #9.

Please mark in your calendar and within soon an invite together with NOR will be sent out.


Stan Macur

It is with deep sadness that we have to inform that the Polish ice sailing legend Stan Macur has passed away.
The first time the Monotype XV class went to Poland in 2009, Stan was our Race Officer for the World Championship, Baltic Cup and European Cup. At that time Monotype XV was new to him, but he got used to the differences between the races management of MXV and DN quickly - he had good experience and feeling of managing iceboating races. Later he repeated the job for us by organising the European Championship in 2015, in Poland, 2020 in Sweden, and in 2022 the European Championship, Baltic Cup and European Cup again in 2022 in Lithuania.
Stan was a person always having a broad overview on the race area and noticing everything what needed to be done.

The ice sailing community has lost a celebrity in Stan Macur.
His contributions to the sport went beyond his administrative roles. As a DN sailor, Stan was formidable, placing third in the World Championships three times, securing second place in the North Americans, and winning the European Championship in 1993.

We want to express our thoughts and sympathy to Stan’s wife, his daughters and family.

Thank you Stan, for all your contributions to our class and promoting ice sailing in general, we will miss you.

The funeral will be held on July 27th 2024 in Olsztyn, starting at 12 pm in St. Francis Church (Olsztyn/Kortowo), and then at the Communal Cementery Poprzeczna in Olsztyn.


IM-XVIYRA honoring Ulf Torberger

At the Swedish Monotype XV Association AGM on Monday this week, we took the opportunity to honor Ulf with a bottle of champagne and a medal with appropriate text reflecting the achievements he has done for our class since 1992!


Official Invitation to Monotype XV Open Swedish Championship regatta


Racing for the Swedish Championship this weekend cancelled due unfortunate weather conditions  ☹

We will try again December 2024.

Int. Monotype XV Open Swedish Championship regatta March 16th – 17th  2024.

Venue: Fjord St. Vartan, final decision on March 14th at the latest.
Reserv venues : Lake Fysingen, Lake Erken, Lake Siljan, Rättvik or Lake Storsjön, Sandviken
Arranged by: Swedish Monotype XV Association


March16th at 1000 hrs Registration.
At about 1100 hrs first start.


March 17th at 1000 hrs first start
No start after 1430 hrs

Rules/sailing instructions:

 Standard sailing instructions
The instructions are found here: Sailing_Instructions_Standard_2020-08-01 (monotype-xv.org)


Race Officer:
Ulf Torberger


All sailors sailing on their own risk without any liability on the arranger.

Notice of participation to:-

Starting fee:-
SEK 300.- to be paid on site.


European Champions 2024

After eight races, last year's champions could prolong their title! Bouw van Wijk and Wiebe de Witte became European champions again! Congratulations! Click here for the results.


The venue is Herrfallet 15 km south city of Arboga, lake Hjalmaren

Dear Monotype XV sailors,

 Ulf Torberger and myself have been visiting Herrfallet today (coordinates below) and found the ice thickness about 35 cm black ice with 0-3 cm slush/snow ice on top (pictures enclosed).

Also we have met with Herrfallet Leisure and Conference Centre situated 15 km south of the city of Arboga, www.herrfallet.se and the decision is to sail our EC at this place WGS84

59°16'51.1"N 15°54'16.5"E

This is of course subject weather permitting, not ice situation wise, which we consider very safe, but for sudden snow percipitation.

Please visit their website and book your visit in cabins. Please note that you can book only a whole cabin with six beds, so please coordinate with your fellow sailors. There are a few accomodation possibilities in their hotel but limited service. About 200 persons/beds free to book but only via their email address reception@herrfallet.se

For cabins there are living room, kitchen, bathroom, three bedrooms with two beds in each. Bring your own linen, towels, breakfast and cooking (self service). Cleaning not included in price.
Their restaurant will not be open for breakfast/lunch/dinner during our visit but for the regatta dinner Friday. We use it also for our AGM on the Thursday.
However dinner meals can be catered from another restaurant in Arboga every day if a minimum of 15 dinners ordered. A menue will be distributed.

What we can see today you can bring your trailer on ice just outside the cabins.

Please redistribute as not all email-addresses available to me. 

Best regards and see you soon,


Registrations EC 2024

Please don't forget to register and pay the fees at the latest January 10th, 2024. Download the documents here.

Actual registrations, click here.


In memoriam Bouw van Wijk

9 August 1933 - 26 October 2023

It is with great sadness that we have to inform the Monotype XV community that on 26 October Bouw van Wijk has passed away after a long, loving and intense life.

Bouw’s achievements in sailing and building sailing yachts, ice yachts and motor launches are too numerous to list here. He changed the looks of water sport in The Netherlands, he has gathered an impressive amount of championships on the water as well as on the ice, including two European Championships in DN. He has been the Commodore of the oldest ice sailing association in the world for many years, he and his board (with Nico Bakker and Ruud Hoogenboom) saving it from oblivion and transforming it into the large and blossoming association it is today, IJszeilvereniging Brasemermeer established in 1870.

Bouw, and before him his father, have followed the birth and later development of the Monotype XV class from the very beginning in 1932, reading and saving everything written about it including drawings and sailing with his father’s 15sqm IJsbeer and later his own 15 sqm IJsvogel. Both yachts still exist and are cherished in Brasemermeer. After a crash with his DN Bouw converted the metal pin used to spline his fractured leg into the poker for the fireplace in his home and turned to sailing the traditional Dutch ice-yacht IJskoud which was built at his boatyard, and which we have all seen on the ice in Holland, Sweden, Poland, Estonia, Germany etc. But the Monotype had captured his interest so in 1991 he bought a very beautiful Monotype XV built by Valentijn in the Netherlands, XV H 10 now owned by Piet van Opzeeland, for his son Bouw(ie). Not long after that he arranged for Ulf Torberger to do a presentation on IMXVIYRA on the Brasemermeer’s annual meeting.

Because of Bouw’s vision and encouragement and Ulf’s enthusiasm this presentation lead to Gé Been building XV NED 13 and Ben Bartels and Pieter den Haan to acquire XV NED 12 and XV NED 11 from Russia. These had to be delivered somehow so Bouw organised a trip to the EC in Sweden in 1996 also celebrating an anniversary for Brasemermeer, bringing along a whole fleet of Dutch (traditional) ice-yachts including IJskoud and Nico Bakker with XV H1. Upon return IJszeilvereniging Monotype Nederland was established by Bouw, Hans Versteeg and Pieter den Haan, Bouw contributed greatly to IMXVIYRA with his knowledge and wisdom, he organised 6 new XV’s to be built in series and now Monotype Nederland is at sailnr. H40 and has a European Champion also named Bouw van Wijk…

This history characterises Bouw’s dedication to (ice)sailing and particularly his drive to gather people around him to share his enthusiasm, and his great organising and networking abilities. Seemingly effortless, but in fact due to hard work. He has done so not only in Monotype XV but also in the Dutch Vrijheid class, he was a great motor for the Regenboog class and for the Dutch fleet of international  5.5 meters to name a few.

Bouw wasn’t always only the evidently successful and cheerful man we have all known and enjoyed so much. He had to battle several deep personal and professional crises, which have taken their tolls, to eventually become that man.

A great sailor and character we have all learned and benefitted from, and have had so much fun with.

Our thoughts are with his family. Bouw will be missed.
IJszeilvereniging Monotype Nederland


Announcement EC24

THE 37th  EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP, International Open Swedish championship and  European Cup Monotype-XV  ICEYACHT  4th-9thFebruary 2024

VENUE: Sweden
RESERVE VENUE: Estonia, Poland
ARRANGED BY: Swedish Monotype XV Association

See page here


Int. Monotype XV Open Swedish Championship regatta March 18th – 19th 2023

to Stockholm Ice Yacht Club
Int. Monotype XV Open Swedish Championship regatta March 18th – 19th 2023.
Reserve dates: 25-26/3 2023

Venue: final decision on March 16th at the latest.
Possible venues: Lake Fysingen, Lake Siljan, Rättvik or Lake Storsjön, Sandviken
Arranged by: Stockholm Ice Yacht Club


March 18th at 10:00 hrs Registration. At about 11:00 hrs first start.
March 19th at 10:00 hrs first start. No start after 14:30 hrs

Rules/sailing instructions: Standard sailing instructions
The instructions are found here.

Race OfficerUlf Torberger

LiabiltyAll sailors sailing on their own risk without any liability on the arranger.

Notice of participation tobernhard.rost@telia.com

Starting feeSEK 300.- to be paid on site.


Winners EC2023


European Champions 2023 - H31 Bouw van Wijk / Wiebe de Witte (results)


Announcement EC23

The 36th European Championship
Code-Zero Cup
European Cup

5th - 10th February 2023
Venue: The Netherlands or best ice conditions elsewhere
Reserve venue: Sweden, Poland
Arranged by: IMXVRIYRA / Monotype-XV Nederland

Please see this page for all detailed information.


Winners EC2022

 European Championship 2022 organized by Poland, races in Lithuania


European Champions 2022 - Bernhard Rost and Thomas Tennström (results)

Click here for details, results and media. 


Iceboating when it is at the very BEST

The Monotype-XV iceyacht is the only 2-seated iceyacht in Europe today that regulary arrange European Championship. Maximal speed is 130-150 km/h and the iceyacht is very very nice to sail and compete with. The class is more or less active in the following countries: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,  Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, USA and Poland.

0th German icesailing week february 19th, 1938. Try to count the XV's !! (43 are seen on the photo)

0th German icesailing week february 19th, 1938. Try to count the XV's !! (43 are seen on the photo)