General news | 2025-02-06
After eight races, the ninth race became an extremely exciting final which was won by H31, Bouw van Wijk and Wiebe de Witte. Second came the S29, Bernhard Rost and Thomas Tennström followed by C12 with Joosep Laus and Karl Lember. See EC2025 page for all results, participants and images.
Winners European Championship
After the the final race of the European Championship one race was sailed for the European Cup. Due to lack of wind, the remaining days did not allow for more races.
The European Cup was won by Jerzy Nowakowski and Piotr Dabrowski (P10), followed by Ott Kolk and Tanel Peeters (C13) and Olev Oolup and Andrus Padu (C2/C3) finished in third place.
Winners European Cup
Click here for all results of European Cup races
EC 2025 information
General news | 2025-01-05

Please see the EC 2025 page for more info and link to online registration form. (PDF)
Rule change by Technical Committee
Board news | 2024-12-27
Enclosed please find a rule change presented by our Technical Committé (Daan Schütte, Andrus Padu, TG Kinberg).
Our Governing Committée (Bernhard Rost, Tiina Motuste, Bouw van Wijk) have approved.
The next stage is to have a vote yes/no at our next coming AGM 2025.
Find the info here...
Sulev Küünarpuu
Board news | 2024-10-20
Dear Monotype-XV community,
It is with deep sadness that we have to inform that our dear friend Sulev
Küünarpuu has passed away.
Sulev was a dedicated sailor and yacht builder through his life. With
numerous prizes both on the water and on the ice.
He was a key individual to organize the work of Monotype-XV class already
since 1981. And he was a founder and the first commodore of the
IM-XVIYARA. We can say Sulev is the father of IM-XVIYARA. He was also the
first European Champion of Monotype-XV of modern times in 1993.
At the same time Sulev was a lifelong yacht builder known for the utmost
beauty and precision of his works.
And he was also known for his innovation. Sulev always took a step forward
in his designs.
Sulev Küünarpuu
Sulev had an inescapable love for boatbuilding and despite the health
concerns he continued to do the shipwright work up to his standards until
the very last days.
It was so inspiring to talk with Sulev or to sail alongside with him, and we
will miss that very much but we are so happy that we have had the
opportunity to share his companionship.
Thank You Sulev!
Estonian Monotype-XV icesailors
October 19, 2024
Voting Runner plank
Board news | 2024-10-14
Hi fellow members of IM-XVIYRA,
When reminded by TG Kinberg the other day about what is written in our constitution about the just finished online voting on runner plank, the voting is not valid.
The constitution says that:-
- Any online voting has to be done before July 1st in order to be valid the next coming season.
- Only boat owners are allowed to vote. If many part owners still one vote per boat.
- At least twenty five percent of the allowed boat owners registered votes.
- 2/3 majority yes/no needed to be valid voting.
None of the above 1-4 have been fulfilled!
Also, I learnt that the Technical Committée (TC) with only TG and Andrus participating in an email thread where it is agreed that the runner plank interpretation needs to have precise mentioned measurement points in order to be correct/valid.
The decision by the General Committee (GC) to make a face-to-face voting at our next coming AGM 2025 in Estonia. The GC shall ask our TC to add a suitable text to the runner plank interpretation regarding measurement points for GC to approve beforehand and present to our class in due time before AGM 2025.
Reverting as soon as possible with a renewed interpretation of runner plank.
EC 2025...
General news | 2024-09-30
…..will be arranged by Estonia in the week #6 2025.
This is a change from earlier communicated #9.
Please mark in your calendar and within soon an invite together with NOR will be sent out.
Stan Macur
General news | 2024-07-26
It is with deep sadness that we have to inform that the Polish ice sailing legend Stan Macur has passed away.
The first time the Monotype XV class went to Poland in 2009, Stan was our Race Officer for the World Championship, Baltic Cup and European Cup. At that time Monotype XV was new to him, but he got used to the differences between the races management of MXV and DN quickly - he had good experience and feeling of managing iceboating races. Later he repeated the job for us by organising the European Championship in 2015, in Poland, 2020 in Sweden, and in 2022 the European Championship, Baltic Cup and European Cup again in 2022 in Lithuania.
Stan was a person always having a broad overview on the race area and noticing everything what needed to be done.

The ice sailing community has lost a celebrity in Stan Macur.
His contributions to the sport went beyond his administrative roles. As a DN sailor, Stan was formidable, placing third in the World Championships three times, securing second place in the North Americans, and winning the European Championship in 1993.
We want to express our thoughts and sympathy to Stan’s wife, his daughters and family.
Thank you Stan, for all your contributions to our class and promoting ice sailing in general, we will miss you.
The funeral will be held on July 27th 2024 in Olsztyn, starting at 12 pm in St. Francis Church (Olsztyn/Kortowo), and then at the Communal Cementery Poprzeczna in Olsztyn.
IM-XVIYRA honoring Ulf Torberger
General news | 2024-04-10
At the Swedish Monotype XV Association AGM on Monday this week, we took the opportunity to honor Ulf with a bottle of champagne and a medal with appropriate text reflecting the achievements he has done for our class since 1992!

European Champions 2024
General news | 2024-02-09

After eight races, last year's champions could prolong their title! Bouw van Wijk and Wiebe de Witte became European champions again! Congratulations! Click here for the results.
Iceboating when it is at the very BEST
General news | 1943-09-09
The Monotype-XV iceyacht is the only 2-seated iceyacht in Europe today that regulary arrange European Championship. Maximal speed is 130-150 km/h and the iceyacht is very very nice to sail and compete with. The class is more or less active in the following countries: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, USA and Poland.
0th German icesailing week february 19th, 1938. Try to count the XV's !! (43 are seen on the photo)