After eight races, the ninth race became an extremely exciting final which was won by H31, Bouw van Wijk and Wiebe de Witte. Second came the S29, Bernhard Rost and Thomas Tennström followed by C12 with Joosep Laus and Karl Lember.
Ice Conditions Update for Monotype-XV Sailors
Update: 28th January 2025
Dear Monotype-XV Ice Sailors,
We are pleased to report that Arsunda, Sandviken currently has still near-ideal conditions for racing. The ice thickness is between 25-30 cm with no double ice.
A layer of 20 mm wet snow is present on the ice, but it should not significantly affect the quality. Today, we confirmed that the possible racing area spans 3x3 km, which was inspected thoroughly today!
Looking ahead, the weather forecast suggests 9-10 mm of rain tomorrow, followed by a slight dusting of snow and temperatures dipping below freezing, which could help maintain the ice.
Other lakes in Sweden have unfortunately accumulated too much snow for safe racing conditions at the moment. However, similar cold temperatures are expected, which will help keep the ice stable.
A big thank you to our ice spies: Bernhard and TG!
The final decision: We will sail next week on Lake Storsjön as planned.
Think (n)ice!
For depot, trailer park, etc information soon.
Best regards,
Bernhard Rost / Swedish Monotype-XV / +46733604719
Juhan Kolk / Saaremaa Sea Sports Association, +3725234062
Alari Akermann / Estonian Icesailing Union, +37256971093
VENUE: Estonia
RESERVE VENUE: Poland, Sweden
ARRANGED by: Estonian Icesailing Union in cooperation with Saaremaa Sea Sports Associoation
February 1st Arrival day
February 2nd 14:00 – 17:00 Equipment inspection
February 2nd 10:00 – 16:00 Registration, Equipment inspection
February 2nd 13:00 – 15:00 Practice race(s)
February 2nd 17:00 Opening Ceremony
February 3rd First racing day. First start 11:00.
February 7th Last racing day. Last start not after 15:00
February 7th Closing ceremony and prizegivin
For other events see Sailing Instructions, Official Notice Board and/or announcements at the daily skippers meeting.
Official Monotype-XV rules valid from August 1st 2020
Standard sailing instructions valid from August 1st 2020
Standard Sailing Instructions IM-XVIYRA
Yachts may be divided into groups. The decision should be made by the RC prior the Opening Ceremony and announced during that.
To register for the 2nd-7th of February 2025 regatta (EC, E-cup & “MonotypeXV-cup”) the following four steps are mandatory:
1. Payment of starting fee (pls indicate sail No and names)
The Starting fee is €400 if paid before January 7th, 2025. If paid later the fee is €600.
Beneficiary: Estonian Iceboating Union IBAN EE16 2200 2210 5866 8273
2. Payment of IM-XVIYRA membership annual fee €30 for each participant (pls indicate name)
Beneficiary: International Monotype XV Iceyacht Racing Union IBAN SE74 6000 0000 0009 0247 4308
Starting fee MTÜ Eesti Jääpurjetamise Liit Swedbank |
Membership fee |
3. Skipper insurance
A good and readable copy of the insurance policy with a 3rd party liability of minimum
€2 500 000 shall be sent to:
You also need to show the original insurance policy at registration at the regatta.
4. Entry form (NB! upload insurance copy into registration form)
Use online registration form:
4. Measurement and registration of racing equipment.
All equipment used for racing must have a registration stamp.
Equipment allowed for racing during 2nd-7th of February (EC, E-cup & “MonotypeXV-cup”):
3 set of runners; 1 mast; 1 boom; 1 fuselage; 1 runner plank; 2 sails
Damaged equipment may only be replaced with the approval of the race committee.
Estonian Icesailing Union
Regatta director: Mr. Alari Akermann
Phone: +372 5697 1093
All information about the regattas will be presented on the official web site or Estonian Icesailing Union official web under the heading European Championship 2025. In addition, a Facebook page will be used for more dynamic information, pictures and messages.